Talking the Talk: How to Speak the Lingo of Your Teleseminar Audience

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One of the major concerns you will have as the host of a teleseminar is relating to your audience. Nothing is more embarrassing than hosting a teleseminar where everybody else is quiet, uncomfortable, bored or annoyed – usual reactions of an audience whose attention the host has failed to command.

When there is an unusual absence of lively interaction with your audience, it's usually because they have lost interest and are still trying to grasp at what you've been trying to say. Learn how to speak the lingo of your teleseminar audience so you will never have to go through this unnerving experience. Here are ways how:


Nothing beats correct, updated and complete information to help build your confidence when hosting a teleseminar. You'll need this confidence if you wish to speak the lingo of your teleseminar audience properly. Keep up-to-date with the industry you belong to and find out all the catch phrases and hot buzz words that are currently in use.

Use current resources and interview people. If you must conduct a poll or a survey, then by all means, do so. It will help keep you updated with the times.

Identify your niche

Before hosting a teleseminar, get to know who your audience will be. This is important if you want to speak their lingo. Sales people, for example, often use common buzz words in general but these buzz words differ depending on the industry they belong to.

If you will be hosting a teleseminar for real estate professionals, you will be using a slightly different lingo compared to that used with internet marketers. Knowing the particular niche of your teleseminar audience will help you become familiar with lingo that means something to them.

Get to know your audience

Look at the demographics of your target audience. People in their 20s often have a different lingo than people in their 30s, 40s or 50s, so watch out for this. Age, education, career background and geographic location also matter.

Join forums

Another great way to learn how to speak the lingo of your teleseminar audience is to join discussion boards and forums that they frequent. Here, you'll find plenty of information about what topics they are currently excited about and what their reactions are to the prevailing issues. Furthermore, you'll find clues on how their lingo goes – buzz words, acronyms, colloquial and even slang terms are often found here.

Join teleseminars with similar topics to yours

If you still have little idea of how your teleseminar audience talks, go and sign up for a teleseminar that offers a presentation on a topic that's similar to what you're planning to give. Your target audience will be here, so it's easier to spot how they talk and what they say. When discussion is lively and strong, you'll be able to detect the lingo right there and then.

Be comfortable and confident

If you are comfortable with what you're doing and are confident about your capability to deliver, it will show. Being confident will give you total command of your presentation so your audience will be more likely to listen. Will it matter if you can speak their lingo?

Of course but good communication skills, a lively and useful presentation and a personality that shines through the phone lines will more than make up for the lingo issues that may be present.

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Free Teleseminar Software You Shouldn't Do Without

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When someone said that you can produce a teleseminar for free, they weren'texaggerating. It is quite possible to present a teleseminar for virtually no money, thanks to a selection of teleseminar software that you can download and use without any cost. Other than the value of your time and effort, that should bring down the expense of producing a teleseminar to virtually zero. Here are a few of the teleseminar software you might want to consider using:

Free recording software


Audacity is an open source software, so you can download it for free. It's quite popular with people in the teleseminar circuit because it's very easy to use and offers options for recording and editing.

Once downloaded onto your computer, you can then use this software to record your teleseminar. You can copy the file onto a disk, CD or DVD later. An advantage to this software is that it can work with either a PC or a Mac.

Wimpy MP3 Player

This is an excellent tool to use for teleseminar software. It can record in MP3 format and then allow you to edit your audio files and generate your content as a podcast. An added bonus is that it can support links to your e-commerce web page, so your audience can order and purchase from your online shopping cart.

Beware, though. It only plays MP3 audio files. If you prefer another format, you can use Wimpy Rave or another software.

Free Conferencing Live Office

This is actually used as a bridge line to handle teleconferencing during teleseminars but it carries plenty of perks. For one, it allows free recordings of your audio so you can save and store your lectures and presentations for posterity. You can also use this application to publish your teleseminar or use the audio content for podcasting.

Mix Craft Recording Studio

Another free software you can use for your teleseminar is Mix Craft. It has plenty of features that might scare off those who aren't tech-savvy but don't worry. This software doesn’t have a steep learning curve. If you want to produce recordings that are professional-quality, this is an excellent choice.

Although this software is meant to be used by aspiring music artists who want to record at home, it's also excellent for recording teleseminars. There are plenty of editing features that you'll like, along with sound effects. There's also a feature called 'cross fade', which allows you to make corrections to recorded clips that are less than ideal. You can record a fresh clip, drag and simply drop it on the older track so you can create a seamless, professional-sounding recording.



This is a free shopping cart application that will come in handy for your paid teleseminars. You probably know by now how difficult it can be to manage registration and payment transactions for your audience but Commerce.CGI can solve that. It's Web-based, so your computer resources wouldn't be bogged down.

This shopping cart has full features, installs and gets set up easily and is a breeze to use. There's also standard support in case you have any questions. Works well with either Windows or Linux servers.


Another free teleseminar software you shouldn't do without is the Ubercart shopping cart. It's quite capable of handling all your business transactions, so whether you're selling books, e-books or audio recordings to your audience or all of it, this application can handle all these tasks nicely.



The Autoresponder and Mailing List Manager is a free management software that can help ease administrative tasks associated with your upcoming teleseminar. You can set up personalized messages, schedule mailings, use double opt-ins and manage follow ups at a pace you prefer.


No need to hire an assistant for your teleseminar if you have this software. It's free for the first month, easy to use and has excellent features. You'll have to sign up for an account, though but soon you'll have access to an efficient autoresponder service that can easily manage your mailing list for you.

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